Product concept is about to reverse how the IoT platform guarantees security

The concepts of product security and embedded security have always been complex, but we are at least familiar with them. But the Internet of Things (IoT) has subverted the concept of "products", making networking an integral part of product definition. As a result, it is far from enough to discuss security only at the device level. Whether it's an embedded system designer or a home appliance manufacturer, they must consider the issues that come with networking. Even more challenging, most IoT products were not originally conceived as networked products, and manufacturers of these products seldom have the technical expertise needed to ensure security after the product is connected to the IoT.

In terms of IoT devices, we need an overall end-to-end platform that any type of product manufacturer can access at any time. Through such a platform, the security technologies and processes of Internet product operations can be integrated into every aspect, from devices and embedded components, to the cloud, to mobile terminal applications for controlling the final product.

What does end-to-end security mean?

Networking increases security risks. Potentially sensitive data generated by IoT devices in residents' homes, workplaces, and public spaces will now travel back and forth across the public Internet. For manufacturers and users of these networked devices, ensuring the security of these data is a top priority. To achieve end-to-end security in networked devices, security processes and programs must extend seamlessly into devices, the cloud, and applications in a fully integrated, seamless way—all with their own security protocols and standards. For example, chip-level security focuses on encryption technologies, including encryption key transport protocols such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL); cloud-level security combines computer and network security protocols; application-level security includes software development and application deployment Security measures adopted afterwards.

After evolution, computers and smartphones now include complex operating systems with built-in security measures. However, the usual IoT devices—such as kitchen appliances, baby monitors, and fitness trackers—have not used computer-level operating systems or security features in the design process. Then the question comes: Who should be responsible for the end-to-end security required for these networking products? The best answer is to get connected device manufacturers to take advantage of the quality IoT platform.

What is a secure IoT platform?

A complete platform solution enables IoT devices to maintain their availability and security on the device, cloud, and software levels. The following are some of the important security principles that the IoT platform should follow: Provide AAA security. AAA security refers to authentication (AuthenTIcaTIon), authorization (AuthorizaTIon), and auditing (AccounTIng), enabling mobile and dynamic security. It authenticates the user's identity, usually authenticates the user's identity according to the user name and password; authorizes the authenticated user to access the network resource; and the authenticated user needs to access the network resource to audit the activity in the process. . Managing lost or stolen devices may include remotely erasing device content or disabling device networking.

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