The use of LEDs in indoors is becoming more and more popular, and the use places are becoming wider and wider. Table 1 illustrates the requirements for indoor applications of LEDs in residential buildings.
Table 1 Application requirements for LED lamps in civil buildings
The narrow light distribution, medium light distribution and wide light distribution in the table are divided by the beam angle of the luminaire. According to JGJ/T 119 of Architectural Lighting Terminology Standard, the beam angle is on a given plane and expressed in polar coordinates. The angle between the two radial diameters of the light intensity curve. The light intensity of the radial diameter is usually 10% or 50% of the maximum light intensity. The International Commission on Illumination (CIE) uses the angle of 50% of the maximum light intensity as the beam angle, while the North American Lighting Engineering Association (IES) uses the angle of 10% of the maximum light intensity. China's standards adopt the definition of CIE. A direct type luminaire with a beam angle of less than 80° is a narrow light distribution, a beam angle of more than 120° is a wide light distribution, and a beam angle of 80° to 120° is a medium light distribution. See Figure 1.
Figure 1 illuminator light distribution
The illuminator classification in the table is shown in Table 2.
Table 2 illuminator classification
The outdoor lighting courts in the table refer to outdoor lighting courts, tennis courts, soccer fields and other venues without stands. The shooting distance of the venue lighting fixtures is significantly smaller than that of the stadiums with grandstands.
The high ceiling luminaire is a kind of luminaire that uses LED as the light source for general illumination in indoor high space.
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