Analysis: 11 reasons to refuse to buy Apple iPad 2

With the launch of Apple's iPad 2, market rumors have been rampant. According to previous reports, Apple will probably choose to release its latest tablet iPad 2 on March 2.

For the launch of the iPad 2, how the consumer masses are eager for hope, we can fully feel the eager desire. However, we must not forget that making money is not easy. Even so, everyone should put their money in their wallets, don't just pick up your wallet and rush to give money to others. Unless you really have something that you need, why bother rushing to give money to Apple. Don't be hypnotized by Apple's hype, and spend $500 to $800 more.

We want to remind you that at least until today, the news about the iPad 2 is just a rumor. Therefore, when it comes to telling everyone these things, it is based on rumors about the iPad 2, but we are collecting the most complete rumors, not just fragments.

As long as you see urine can know, you can find more truth. Well, let us begin.

Reason 1: iPad 3 is coming. Yes, no mistake. One of the reasons we said last time not to buy an iPad is because the iPad 2 is on the market soon. Now you can also tell everyone, do not buy iPad 2, because iPad 3 will soon debut. Various signs indicate that the iPad 2 is only an over-design of the midfield; the size is slightly reduced a bit, and the built-in digital camera is added as expected, and the screen size remains unchanged.

Obviously, when the new product was released in the spring of 2011, Apple could not prepare a device equipped with Retina-level resolution, so it was necessary to launch the iPad 2 on the shelf. If you go to buy iPad 2 now, when iPad 3 comes out, you will be disappointed and regret it.

Reason 2: Jobs may not personally handle Steve Jobs can be said to be the spiritual leader of all Apple products during the past ten years. He devoted all his heart and soul to all the attention to detail, resulting in the uniqueness of Apple products, but there are also some shortcomings and limitations.

Jobs is on sick leave. He may not be able to bet on this new generation of products as much as before. Apple claimed that Steve Jobs will still attend the new product launch, but if he is in serious condition, he may not be able to kiss him as usual. The problem is that if Jobs cannot participate in person, then the product quality and the overall vision of the future will be brought. What kind of influence?

Reason 3: No support for additional storage space In the past few weeks, the market rumored that the iPad 2 will be configured with an SD slot. Obviously, this approach violates the hardware design philosophy that Apple insists, and I am afraid the iPad 2 will not support the memory card storage function.

Reason 4: You already have an iPad to face it. If the iPad 2 appeals to you, you should already have an iPad already. Conversely, if you haven’t bought an iPad yet, It means that you have a little more self-control about your desire to buy. You can wait and see what new products will be on the market. Compared to the iPad, the iPad 2 is not much different, and the two are almost identical.

Think more for your wallet.

Reason No. 5: Competing products will soon appear Undoubtedly, every manufacturer of electronic products has noticed the unsuccessful achievements of the iPad. However, for Apple, for a long time, Apple has always had the advantage of supply chain.

However, in the past, it does not mean that the future remains the same. Undoubtedly, Apple's competitors will not turn a blind eye to this pie, especially the cooperation from HP Palm and the competition from the Android camp. Of course, the current Android tablet is not yet a climate, but one day, the two camps will become a powerful force.

Based on this consideration, you, as a user, may still want to have an open device so that you can configure the required hardware in the way you like, instead of always having Apple, the shadow warrior, guiding the game behind you. How can you do it? Of course, this is not important at all for the crazy Apple fans. Everyone is not aware of it on the first day.

Reasons 6 to 11: As it was originally told that you do not need to buy an iPad, apply it to the iPad 2 almost no difference. Regardless of how excited you are when Apple has new products, don't forget that these promotions are just promotional methods.

The iPad's product restriction also exists on the iPad 2 iPad 2 and has not been corrected. At the very beginning, iPad was a disappointment. Today, the iPad 2 may also be disappointing.

• Reason 6: There is still no USB interface • Reason 7: It is still necessary to transfer edited files via iTunes • Reason 8: Still unable to synchronize “My Favourite” with wireless transmission

• Reason #9: If you want to use an iPad to view e-books, you still might as well buy an Amazon Kindle, which is much cheaper. • Reason #10: Use only Apple-authorized software • Reason 11: After all, you can't think of the iPad as General notebook use to see the eleven reasons listed earlier. If you haven’t bought an iPad yet, iPad 2 may be worth buying. However, if you already have an iPad, then you can still save it. One day, as you grow up, your family will ask you to move out to live independently. Then you will need a sum of money—whether you want to pay rent or buy an iPad 3.

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