Guodian South purchases wind farms in Xinjiang from 100 million yuan

Guodian South has invested RMB 100 million in the acquisition of 67% of Xinjiang Huarong New Energy Co., Ltd., becoming the controlling shareholder of the company. Huasheng New Energy is the development company of the 49.5MW project of Phase I of Huayi Wind Farm at Dabancheng, Xinjiang. At present, the project is under construction. All the wind turbines have been transported to the site, and installation and commissioning have been implemented. It is expected that it will be completed and put into commercial operation by the end of 2011. The project can install wind turbines with an area of ​​more than 1,000 square kilometers and annual wind energy reserves of about 25 billion kilowatt hours. The project has a planning capacity of 100 MW and it will be constructed in two phases.

Guodian South said that the acquisition is conducive to the realization of the company's wind power industry chain extension. The project will involve wind turbine control systems, converters, wind power box substations and other company related products.

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