"Super Stardust Ultra VR" is a VR version of the classic game "Supernova Fighter Ultimate" brought about by Housemarque, the developer of the "optoelectronic fighter", and its VR version was developed by Sony XDev European Research Institute. The game will be On October 13th, it unveiled at the same time as PSVR.
The VR version changes from the original third-person shooting perspective to the first-person perspective. In the game, you need to drive an aircraft on a bizarre planet, fight the incoming alien body and collect points by destroying enemies and rocks. In your cockpit, you can see a new environment that is unprecedented in the game. This model for VR is called the "Invasion Zone" mode.
In addition to inheriting exciting gameplay and dazzling images from the original game, the details of the game still reflect the differences in VR. For example, in the traditional version of Super Stardust Ultimate, players need to keep an eye on the entire game world so that they can know what may be happening from every corner of the game. In this new version, players only need to observe in a limited field of view, and VR will also bring more impactful experience, such as the performance of the force field when the bullet and the shield collide.
"Supernova fighter VR" confirmed landing PSVR. Can support DualShock 4 handles or two PS Move handles. The work will be listed on the same day as PSVR on October 13th.