At a time when LEDs have not yet emerged, the light source market is the same as energy-saving lamps and incandescent lamps. Bulbs once became the "basic" in lighting products. With the rise of LEDs, the light source market has launched a situation of hegemony. In 2014, the incandescent lamps were slowly phased out, and the sales of energy-saving lamps shrank. The LED bulbs took advantage of the good “mass basis†and became a leap. The darling of the business.
With the development of LED technology and the rise of intelligent lighting, LED bulbs have also completed a grassroots counterattack as the main force of intelligent lighting.
Intelligent Internet <br> <br> added into the M2M communications module embedded LED bulb may be implemented in the Internet access a certain area, so that the user arbitrarily by mobile home view of the LED bulb Working status, at the same time, the user can remotely control the status of the LED bulb at home according to his or her preference through a smartphone or a connected computer.
Art Personalized <br> <br> Smart LED bulb is a user can demonstrate its unique personalized products according to their preferences, and the cloud platform and embedded IOT module, users can produce their own energy-saving Programs and color schemes are released to Weibo, WeChat and other social platforms. While sharing their own programs, they can also learn about other people's programs and achieve a certain degree of social interaction.
Humane <br> <br> advent of smart bulb is like a key that opens the door to deepen the relationship between humans and light, to subvert the traditional understanding of human lighting to illuminate the room lighting is not the only function. The user realizes the personalized program deployment, sets the change of the light according to his own preferences, adjusts the color temperature of the light according to the situation, and sets the energy-saving scheme of the stage brightness change according to the life work, and adjusts the health lighting system suitable for himself according to his own needs.
With the development of LED technology and the rise of intelligent lighting, LED bulbs have also completed a grassroots counterattack as the main force of intelligent lighting.
Intelligent Internet <br> <br> added into the M2M communications module embedded LED bulb may be implemented in the Internet access a certain area, so that the user arbitrarily by mobile home view of the LED bulb Working status, at the same time, the user can remotely control the status of the LED bulb at home according to his or her preference through a smartphone or a connected computer.
Art Personalized <br> <br> Smart LED bulb is a user can demonstrate its unique personalized products according to their preferences, and the cloud platform and embedded IOT module, users can produce their own energy-saving Programs and color schemes are released to Weibo, WeChat and other social platforms. While sharing their own programs, they can also learn about other people's programs and achieve a certain degree of social interaction.
Humane <br> <br> advent of smart bulb is like a key that opens the door to deepen the relationship between humans and light, to subvert the traditional understanding of human lighting to illuminate the room lighting is not the only function. The user realizes the personalized program deployment, sets the change of the light according to his own preferences, adjusts the color temperature of the light according to the situation, and sets the energy-saving scheme of the stage brightness change according to the life work, and adjusts the health lighting system suitable for himself according to his own needs.
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