JBL launched two new headphones, the T100A and T300A. The former is the earphones and the latter is the large earphones. The JBL T300A is a large earphone with a built-in microphone for easy connection to the smartphone. The headset can be folded and conveniently carried. The T300A adopts Closed design and comfortable padding and headband for a more comfortable fit and reduced external noise for a private listening experience. Load 40mm driver for superior sensitivity, extended frequency response and high level of bass performance, JBL T300A The frequency response is 20HZ-22KHZ, the sensitivity is 112dB/mW, the impedance is 32Ω, and the 3.5mm gold-plated plug is equipped with a 1.2m elastic cable. It is positioned in the intermediate market.
Another new JBL T100A is a single-button remote and microphone in-ear earphone with an 8mm drive unit that delivers high-resolution mid-to-high pitch and balanced bass. Solid and lightweight housing It suppresses unnecessary vibration, improves the reproduction ability of the bass, and increases the durability and wearing comfort of the headphones. The T100A provides white, black and red options. The frequency response of the T100 is 20HZ-22KHZ, the sensitivity is 100dB/mW, and the impedance is 16Ω. . With S / M / L silicone earbuds attachment options, 3.5mm plug with 1.1 meters of flexible cable. Positioned in the intermediate earphones headset market.
Shenzhen Konchang Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd , https://www.konchangs.com