100% separate circuit
Abandoning the use of a large number of integrated circuits that can reduce cost (and sound quality), instead of using more expensive separate circuits and advanced components, but did not turn the difference between the middle and the consumer.
High transient current (HCC) design
The JSR series has a high transient current design and uses a large number of transistors for the amplifier stage. Unlike other brands, the JSR series only uses the operating chip. The advantage is that the power source is not stable under large sound pressure, and the operation is more stable under small sound pressure.
Improve transient response
Thanks to the assistance of the HCC line, the distortion signal input from other sources can be improved, making the effect smoother and more versatile.
Ultra-wide bandwidth design
The JSR series has a wide bandwidth response of over 100KHz. Although the human hearing is not audible even at a high frequency of 20 kHz, the power amplifier does not have a response to this frequency band, and it will produce a certain degree of acoustic deficiency in the output sound. Moreover, this is also an indicator for evaluating the merits of a power amplifier.
Xinxiang Mina Import & Export Co., Ltd. ,