Greg Joswiak, Apple's vice president of product marketing, this week received an exclusive interview with the media "The Australian" and talked about Apple's efforts to augment reality, including ARKit and the developer's response to the framework so far.

Joswiak said that everyone's enthusiasm for ARKit is "unbelievable." Then he described some applications that developers have already built, including virtual tape measures that can measure the length of items in the real world. "People are making this in such a short time and it's incredible!" But Joswiak refused to disclose information about Apple's future AR plan, but he still said that Apple intends to "start from scratch" with the iPhone and iPad.

Joswiak also mentioned HomeKit, which is expected to have "enough" HomeKit devices before HomePod is released in December. In addition, he also mentioned Siri's new voice in iOS11 and Apple's initiatives in machine learning. Mentioned that Apple had begun to use machine learning technology since the release of the iPhone in early 2007.

Machine learning, ARKit, and artificial intelligence will play an important role in iOS11. With ARKit, developers can quickly and easily add augmented reality to their apps and games. By the time iOS 11 is released in the fall, ARKit will become the world's largest AR platform, supporting devices that distribute hundreds of millions of iPhones and iPads worldwide.
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