欧司朗研发出新型LED结构 大幅提高量子效率

  德国欧司朗 光电 半导体 (OSRAM Opto Semi conductors GmbH)开发出了新型LED 结构「UX:3」。该结构不仅能够大幅提高蓝光LED 等GaN类LED的外部量子效率,而且还可大幅抑制LED在通过大电流时发光效 率下降的公认课题。通过减少不伴随发光的非放射再结合——「俄歇复合」,可抑制发光效率的下降。


  欧司朗介绍,UX:3在LED芯片 内部嵌入n型接触电极,通过贯通孔与n型GaN类半导体层进行电连接。可降低电流密度的效果,从而减少了俄歇复合。并还加厚了作为发光部分的活性层,降低了载流子密度。


  采用UX:3的蓝光LED芯片,其光输出功率 在芯片为1mm见方的情况下投入350mA电流时比ThinGaN大约高10%。投入电流越多,UX:3和ThinGaN的差距就越大。使用这种蓝光LED芯片的白光LED ,其发光效率可达到136lm/W。





Windows Tablet

The latest Windows has multiple versions, including Basic, Home, and Ultimate. Windows has developed from a simple GUI to a typical operating system with its own file format and drivers, and has actually become the most user-friendly operating system. Windows has added the Multiple Desktops feature. This function allows users to use multiple desktop environments under the same operating system, that is, users can switch between different desktop environments according to their needs. It can be said that on the tablet platform, the Windows operating system has a good foundation.

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Jingjiang Gisen Technology Co.,Ltd , https://www.gisentech.com