This circuit is suitable for the use of discrete components or integrated circuit mono power amplifier, BTL output can be composed without changing a component. The principle is very simple, which is to use two LM3886 or TDA7294 mono power amplifier boards, use the operational amplifier to change the input signal phase, one input positive signal, the other input negative signal, the two power amplifiers form a BTL circuit, and the output combined power can reach 200W . A home theater must have an active subwoofer. If the output power of the power amplifier board that promotes ultra-low bass can reach 200W, it will emit more powerful and tremendous low frequencies, so it is generally necessary to use BTL output. The circuit diagram is as follows.
Road Traffic Signs are graphical symbols that display traffic regulations and road information. They can make traffic regulations visually, concisely and concisely expressed. At the same time, they also express the content that is difficult to describe in words. They are used to manage traffic and indicate the direction of driving to ensure the smooth flow of roads and the safety of driving. Applicable to highways, urban roads and all special highways, with the nature of the law, vehicles, pedestrians must comply with.
Road Traffic Signs
Road Traffic Signs,Traffic Light Sign,Road Safety Signs,Highway Road Traffic Signs
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